Getting Married

Tis the season for weddings, including my own!


Getting married is a HUGE deal.  Not just the event, but the commitment itself.  I’m all like, “if you go before I do I’m gonna tell the gravedigger that he better dig two”.  But seriously.

My husband is truly the man I prayed for as a little girl.  I told God, specifically, that I wanted a boy with blue eyes and dark hair who was fun and loved animals, especially cats, as much as I do.  He possesses all these qualities.

Of course, there are added bonuses:

  • Devout UK fan
  • Thoughtful
  • Kind
  • Caring
  • Generous
  • Considerate
  • Hilarious

He is also an unbelievable protector, who makes me feel safe no matter the situation.

*end gratuitous gushing*

The whole point of this post is to inform those reading this that it was hard work to get married!  The planning was a bit stressful, but I’m talking about the time we took to get to know each other better in the months proceeding our marriage.

The first thing we did was attend a message series at our church called The Vow.  This incredibly intimate sequence of both practical and biblical truth was extremely eye-opening.  Even if you are not getting married, these messages are still relevant to every individual.  Definitely a must watch!

The next step we took was marriage counseling.  Although somewhat voluntary, it was a requirement set forth by our church.  A six-session sit-down with a stranger probing into our love and sex lives may not sound appealing; however, it strangely became a bonding process for my husband and me.  I will share more about this in my next post.

For now, I leave you the song played in our recessional.  Sorry Blake Shelton – Dave Barnes did it best!


It’s been a long time…

It has been a long time since I’ve posted anything.  I’ve been living the high life in the nerd kingdom and honestly it is often hard to muster the strength to even look at a computer screen after hours of straining the nog to come up with thoughtful ideas that may require citation one of these days.  I don’t want to make any sort of promises; however, I plan to blog more regularly this summer.  This statement will require further review once the fall semester begins…can you believe I am halfway through a master’s program?

wait-what-dogSome of you who may be familiar with the person I was prior to Jesus’ intervention would find my newly nerd ways to be quite surprising.  I know that I continually surprise myself, which is hopefully a good thing.

I enjoy what I do, as hard as it may be sometimes.  I am guilty of not giving enough credit to my undergraduate professors.  It’s hard work to research, study, write, and teach all at the same time.  It often feels like being on a medieval rack…or maybe just one of those super complex yoga poses, which would inevitably result in a hard face plant.

face plant kitteh





Although I am nervous about the upcoming fall semester, I will try my best to enjoy my summer.  See yuns at the lake.
